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Retrobesti missioon on olla kvaliteetne ja peresõbralik 1980 ja 90-ndate teemafestival. Retrobest on mõeldud kõigile, kes armastavad eelmiste kümnendite muusikat ja meeleolu. Retrobest Festival 2017 teemapealkirjaks on Tere, kosmos! Mis tähendab ulmeliselt häid artiste, kosmilisi comebacke ja planeet Eesti suurimat stiilipidu. Festivali esimesteks kinnitatud väliskülalisteks on suurejoonelise avakontserdiga Toto Cutugno.
Create interactive lessons using any digital content including wikis with our free sister product TES Teach. Get it on the web. You will be amazed by the wonderful creativity of the Year 7 students during these dances. The task was to create a dance sequence showing the different seasons. Help on how to format text.
Monday, July 25, 2011. Just need to add a post so my blog is no deleted! Posted by Mrs McC. Friday, November 6, 2009. I actually really enjoyed presenting at the Mini-conference. Yay! Feeling the ICT buzz! Posted by Mrs McC. Monday, October 26, 2009. I have added the link on the left side if you want to download it.
Obogatitveni program in dodatne dejavnosti. NI DOVOLJ, DA IMAMO OTROKA RADI, ON MORA TO LJUBEZEN TUDI ČUTITI. Ustvarjanje pogojev za optimalni razvoj otroka. V vrtcu se trudimo otrokom ponuditi čimbolj spodbudno okolje za njihov nadaljnji razvoj. Pri tem se sorazmerno osredotočamo na spoznavni, socialni, čustveni in zaznavno-gibalni napredek naših malčkov in jim tako omogočamo celostno rast in razvoj. Pomoč staršem pri celoviti skrbi za otroka.